Thursday, July 2, 2009

News About the Starcraft Unit Upgrades

If you love to play StarCraft, you must be very happy about the news StarCraft 11 and looking forward to the doping of StarCraft unit upgrade, you can know in advance to see. In the incomparable collection to give you confidence in the CA through the various units in the Protoss, Zerg and Terran units and give a roster of modernization. Protoss units and upgrades - Probe: ground armor and plasma screens-fanatics: the charge, ground armor, plasma shields and ground weapons Stalker: Blink (direct teleport from one area to another), ground armor, ground weapons and plasma THYROID Bessmertny: ground-based weapons ground-hardened armor and plasma shields THYROID Nullifier: ground armor, ground weapons, plasma thyroid High Templar: ground weapons, Khaydarin amulet, plasma screens, and Psi-Storm Dark Templar: ground armor, ground weapons, plasma screens - Twilight archon: land armor ground weapons and plasma screens Observer: Air arms severely booster, plasma screens, Colossus: the ground armor, ground weapons, a zero-generator and the flow of plasma panels Phase Prism: air arms, a serious achievement, and plasma screens, Phoenix: air armor air weapons and plasma thyroid Warp-Ray: air armor, air weapons and plasma screens Carrier air armor, air weapons and plasma screens, the Mother of the courts: the flight armor, weapons and air plasma shieldZerg units and upgrades: - Overlord: Update for monitoring Zergling: can be Ban Ling-Infestor: Upgrades based on the form aganodine for the spread of disease and infests enemy Hydralisk: Updates Lurker-Mutalisk: update Swarm Guardian-queen: Modernization in the lair Watcher - lair Watcher: Updates on the bush MatriarchTerran units and upgrades - SCV : infantry armor and infantry weapons, the Marine: Battle Shield, armor infantry, infantry weapons, and encourage Pack U-238 shell-Reaper: infantry armor and infantry weapons Ghost: infantry armor and infantry weapons-marauder: infantry armor, infantry weapons and stimulating Shakah Pack: This is a new device that has no annual CUE available embargo Tank: The Siege Tech, vector, and the shell of a taxi weapons Thor: The carrier and the shell of the truck arms Medivac Drop ships: not what he painted, which are exempt from unit costs Nomad: address plate ring Banshee: export-plating, the transfer of weapons, and all of invisibility cloaking, Viking: the shell of the truck and barn weapons Attack Cruiser: move plating and Sander weaponsThe as a result of modernization is that all units have more talent than in the previous StarCraft. Thus, you can use several strategies in the planning of your movements when you play action of each race in the scenarios in the game, and atypical pneumonia in the year gather atlass. This meant that some of the strategies you used in the original game will not be effective against some units now have more opportunities. Know before the game is released in a variety of updates for each of the units, and I know that there will be new units for each race can overcome you plan your project before the game even released.