Thursday, March 19, 2009

Overage Player Farce - Is It Really For The Good of the Game?

China is currently limited to a month to keep the tone of dauntlesss at the 29 th Olympiad and PA dotterel previously hosted Olympic soccer tournament, the following maximum worldly Cup tournament after the heavenly body. The fact that the tournament provides an indication of how teams are in the following 2 cups of the creation and resolution is not the tournament, which are taken seriously. Who does not need to win a gold medal at the Olympics?

One thing that ordinary people do not know that the Olympic tournament preceded the Earth Cup FIFA and inspired the organization of their own land the tournament. Thus, this tournament with a very rich establishment history. The apple Cup led to the Olympic tournament drops the value and prestige, and it was not FIFA will decide on the tournament, including an exclusive amateur restrictions. Nowadays, participating in the tournament is limited to players under 23 years, as well as the perfect complement to the tournament, FIFA and other young people under the age of 17 and 20 unbroken. But FIFA, on the right field 3 overage players, and that almost always solutions.

Such a rule is necessary, and indeed the purpose of the tournament on uncountable, including myself. Now primarily begins calligraphy their responses to the scoop, lazy? S analysis of the conditions for the establishment of the rule, and that he ( allegedly) helped by the fact that the ( alleged) contributed. The overage player rule creates a contradiction, since it was introduced with the 23- rule in 1992, even though that the way to ensure equal light- hearted for all groups. The problem is the overage players, and whether they should be allowed to participate in commercial trade Olympics.

From I think that provides a high publicity and coverage of the tournament as an overage player extremely seasoned Internationales / professionals as well as the presence caliber players Ronaldinho, Robinho, Messi and Riquelme will be ensure that the tournament? not covered, since some low interest tournament ( as is the case in reality) . Sat, money, and the problem seems to be the offer more attractive incentive for the players bet. In addition, coaches will tell you that young players will be breast- feeding is much more and much faster by playing a number of experienced professionals. For bids to establish a huge opportunity for rescue teams, young players have graduated from novice to experienced players who are confident professionals.

Both these conditions seem convincing wagers on why players should play in Olympics. Nevertheless trick in the television money and happy with the coach, FIFA seems to have forgotten in his laborious youth tournaments. Now the Olympic tournament, the tournament of youth in the traditional sense of the word. No one seems to connect the word to young people with a 22- year- old player.

But it is mainly young people in the World Cup tournament, open to all, and from time to time as often age. The main properties of all the youth tournament, consider that this once in a lifetime opportunity, which means that if you' re not the first life, you' ll never have recently strange taste recently. And 17 and 20, the establishment must create equal jibing and all players will be versed they have a chance to take part in this tournament. Moreover, when it comes to the Olympics, the player takes the position that they always have a chance to play in the tournament, regardless of age.

The relationship should not be condoned in football. Olympic tournament and can not be treated with such disrespect and therefore should be condemned to history.

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